Friday, December 14, 2007

A virtual chess book club

Takchess is about to kickoff an interesting internet-based community endeavor. He plans on reading Vukovic's Art of Attack in Chess and write notes about the book on his blog as he works through it. Ok, that in itself isn't so interesting, but this is: He's inviting all those in the chess blog community (readers and bloggers) to join him in the reading the book and participate in the discussion by leaving comments on the related posts on his blog. If it works, the result will be the electronic equivalent of a book study group. While readers can leave comments, bloggers could actually go one step further. They could post their thoughts on their own blogs and leave trackbacks to Takchess.
So, if Art of Attack is on your list of chess books to read, this might be just the impetus you need to pick up a copy, crack it open and join Takchess' virtual book club.

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