Monday, January 21, 2008

Another GM at the BCC

From the Monday, January 21st Chess Notes column in the Boston Globe:
A preeminent player in New England chess and the dominant force in tournaments in this region is [Grandmaster] Alexander Ivanov of Newton. We had not seen him recently, but he suddenly appeared at the Boylston Club for the Sultan Khan tourney. It turns out that this was Ivanov's first appearance at the Boylston's site in Somerville. He scored a clean sweep of the tournament, winning a last-round hair-raiser against [FM and former BCC Champion] Chris Chase on time forfeit, with a second or so left on Ivanov's clock.

Ivanov's absence from local chess is explained by his participation in the World Cup. The latter, won by Gata Kamsky, was held in Khanty-Mansiysk, Siberia, not particularly far from Ivanov's birthplace. Ivanov won against Peru's Julio Granda Zuniga, but was eliminated in the second round by Joel Lautier of France. Ivanov says he received $6,000 for his effort....

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