Tuesday, January 08, 2008

My nominations for next year's judges

While I'm more than happy to continue to stay on the sidelines and let others slog it out over the Kenyan election results, errr... I mean the USCL Blogger of the Year contest, there's no reason not to repost some of the complimentary comments others have made about our coverage here at BCC Weblog:

"I don't agree that BCC is any poorer simply for not having video. The written word is still the most supple medium of communication, and DG wields it well. His coverage and analyses were superb." - Tom Panelas

"I thought BCC was excellent too, and I may have picked them over Liz..." - Braden Bournival

"The BCC blog didn't make the final. I think it should have." - Matt Phelps

Thanks guys.

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