Wednesday, February 27, 2008

9th annual Paramount

Next Monday the annual Paramount double round robin begins. Originated by former BCC President Bryan Clarke, it is a very interesting tournament in which you play in groups of six and play each opponent with both white and black pieces at a known date so you can prepare your approach.

Don’t be put off by the time control. This tournament may be the only one on the planet with adjournments. So, you won’t have to play till 1 am. At 11:00 at the latest, the game must be finished or adjourned, to be completed at another time by mutual consent.

This is Ken Ho's favorite (and usually only) tournament of the year - come try your luck against him.

Monday, March 3 – May 5: 9th Annual Paramount 10 Rounds, 2RR, Players divided into six player sections by rating; 40/120, G/50; with adjournment at 11 pm. Entry fee: $25, $20 to BCF members; Prizes: 50% EF Registration: 6:00 to 6:45 PM Rounds at 7 PM.

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