Thursday, April 03, 2008

Public Service Opportunity for Chessplayers

Hi everyone. Please consider the opportunity below.

Dear Boylston Chess Club,

I'm reaching out to your membership in the hopes that one or two of
your members might consider becoming a volunteer with our
organization, MATCH-UP. We provide volunteers to visit lonely and
isolated elder and disabled adults throughout Boston. Usually our
volunteers provide conversation, help with reading mail and errands,
companionship on walks, share a meal or tea, etc. But we've recently
had requests from three different older gentlemen specifically
requesting visits from a volunteer who will play chess with them, and
we've been unable to fill the positions with volunteers currently in
our ranks. (Two of the elders were very clear about wanting someone
with advanced-level chess skills.)

All three men are local, living in Boston, the South End, and
Brookline. Ideally a volunteer would be able to visit their elder once
every week or two for about an hour or so, and the volunteer must
complete a short online application, a brief interview at our office
in Downtown Crossing, and pass a background check.

Would you consider sharing this information with your members? I
figured the BCC might be our best bet at finding altruistic chess
players in the area!
Anyone who is interested in finding out more can reach me via email or
phone, or can apply to become a volunteer by visiting our website at

Thank you for your time and best wishes,

Kendra Grimes

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