Sunday, April 27, 2008

Recent April Results at the Boylston Chess Club

Thursday Night Swiss

Eric Godin and Jason Rihel split first place with 3.5 out of 4 (although Jason benefited from a full point forfeit win.) In the last round, Eric upended the Boylston's newest expert, Luke Calhoun of New Mexico, after Luke blundered in the middlegame. That left Jason and expert Simon Warfield battling to determine if anyone would catch Eric. Simon offered a pawn in a topical line of the KID bayonet attack and got some reasonable compensation for the pawn. After some unclear is it a draw or not business, Jason converted the subsequent rook and extra pawn endgame to tie for first.

Finishing at 3.0 points were expert Julian Chan and A player Ruben Portugues.

Also, a warm welcome to newcomer Garry Camy, who played in his first event, and Scott Griffin and Ted O'Donnell, who played in their second BCC event.

BCC Spring Open

Chris Chase won the 2-day Spring Open, finishing with 3.5 out of 4, a half point ahead of Julian Chan at 3.0. Chris had a string of two months at the club without a loss OR a draw (16 game winning streak), but that was broken by a third round draw with Julian. Perhaps that is because he also played simultaneously in the Sunday Octad?

BCC Sunday Octad:

Chirs Chase also won the Sunday Octad, going a perfect 3.0 while playing in two events at once. Clearly, Chris has regained his form and is playing well. In Sunday's event, he defeated two expert players, Carey Theil and Luke Calhoun, who finished with 2.0.

Also welcome Darell Rose, who played in his first BCC tournament this weekend.

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