Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Chess Nicknames

One of the things chess is missing: good nicknames.

Boxing has used nicknames forever and it makes for great theater and stories read so much better with nicknames. All positive aggressive macho (for the guys) nicknames. A lot of color would be added to the game if we reported using them.

For instance the current players in the Reuben's Landey:

Ben "Bull Dozer" Goldberg

Simon "Nuculur" Warfield

Cary "Ticking Still Ticking Timebomb" Theil

Alex "the Almighty" Slive

Philip "Go" Nutzman

Jason "Un" Rihel

"Wiley" Kyle Clayton

Lior "The Taimer" Rozhansky

Kenny "The Killer" Newman

Zaroug "So Long" Jaleel

Ed "AX man" Astrachan

Jon "Dr Jon" Lee

Adam "the Assassin" Yedidia

Directed by: Robert "Winning Chances" Oresick and backed up by Bernado "the Blessed" Iglesias

As a perk of a kind, we should probably have a BCF nicknaming committee that bestows nicknames following a player's 5th tournament at the BCF as a member. And we won't use the Animal House lottery system either.

Please Comment. Be nice.

"Psycho" Mike Griffin 07/15/2008


speaking of nicknames, Matt can you link to your boston blitz nicknames?
example: Larry "born again" Christiansen, Vadim "the dream", Klasik Krasik etc...

Gravatar Ah yes... here it is... From Nov. of 2006!


Tuesday, November 28, 2006

USCL Nicknames

In the tradition of sportscaster Chris Berman's nicknames for baseball players, here are some of mine for USCL players:

  • Larry "Born Again" Christiansen
  • Charles "In Charge" Riordan
  • Ilya "Classic" Krasik
  • Jenn/Michael/Greg Shahade "They Fall"
  • Josh "Live" Friedel "or Die"
  • Vadim "The Dream" Martirosov
  • Jan "Close to the" Ehlvest
  • Eugene "At Your Own" Perelshteyn
  • Pawel "No One Else to" Blehm
  • Irina "Orange" Krush
  • Matt "Your Mission Mr." Phelps
Add others in the comments section!

posted by Globular at 1:05 PM


Also, two integral pieces from 2007

Chrissy the BEAR and

Denis the Bumble Bee.

Ilya Krasik 07.21.08 - 3:18 pm #

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