Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Dave's not here, man.

Dave Glickman began reporting the BCF championship four years ago by creating the BCF blog and it evolved into a wonderful collection of articles and collections of all things chess. Dave's background and perspective of things, along with a fantastic sense of humor, made for something very special. The blog became a very fantastic place for those who love the game and the things chess affect.

Dave playing GM Larry Christiansen at the annual BCC Herb Healy in 2006.

Photo: Steve Stepak.

Last winter at the BCF Board of Director's meeting Dave announced that he no longer had the time to contribute to blog. Dave asked for volunteers to step up and keep the blog going. Jason Rihel and Bob Oresick felt they could do something, and have contributed greatly.

I got involved when Bob, Jason, and I "fooled around' with the Isle of Lewis Chess Set blog articles. Having several ideas about the old Boylston Chess Club and other things popping into my head, I decided to give it a go and write a few essays. I will admit that there has been an interesting, difficult to describe, beneficial personal side effect in attempting to turn something out every week. And as you have seen many additional people have contributed over this year as well.

But we are not Dave Glickman and he is sorely missed. Who knows - maybe he will return after his sabbatical? Dave has stated that he has at least a year of personal commitment to work through. In his absence I ask that more members of the BCF step up and try it. It was nice to hear that some members might do some real time broadcasting, if possible. Perhaps we could get some of the folks participating in the BCF Championship finals to report, or to agree with each other, to write about their favorite/interesting game in the tourney. The opportunity for others to try is here. Dave was special but Dave's not here, man.

What did you enjoy most about DG?

What do you think it would take to get Dave back?

BCF members: can you help and step up and fill DG's void?

Please Comment Mike Griffin 08/11/2008

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