Monday, December 29, 2008

Herb Healy Open House, New Year's Day, Jan 1

Please consider coming to the open house, see some old friends, make some new ones, play some chess (rated or unrated), and enjoy a free lunch. It's a great way to start the 2009 chess year. Registration isn't until 10:45 so you can sleep in from your celebrating the night before.You might even have a chance to play Chess Hall of Famer GM Larry Christiansen or Mass. Champion IM Dave Vigorito.


Thursday, January 1st: BCF Herb Healy Open House 4SS; G/45; 2 sections: Rated and Non-Rated; Entry fee: $25, $20 BCF members if received by 12/30, $5 extra on site. Registration: 10:45 to 11:40. Rounds: 11:45, 1:20, 3:00, 4:40. Free food and drink served all day long to tournament players. Send advance entries to: Herb Healy Open House, 240B Elm St. Suite B9 Somerville, MA 02144


Herbert E. Healy was born in 1885 and died on Wednesday, January 9, 1974 in Boston. He was 88 years old and one of the original Charter members of the Boylston Chess Club at its official organization in 1919. He was Secretary Emeritus at his death.

His death occurred only days after the Herbert Healy Appreciation Tournament (New Year's 30/30 smash 15) and Testimony was held in his honor. New Years day in 1974 was a Wednesday. Boston had a 10 - 12 inches snowfall, but Mr. Healy showed up at the Young Men’s Christian Union (where the club was located) and peeked into the Chess club. He went home to his South End apartment on Brookline St. and died in his sleep.

In 1980 the New Year's 30/30 was permanently dedicated to him as Herbert E. Healy Open House. Herbert E. Healy along with Harry Lyman, Irvin Yaffee, Myer Edelstein and others customarily provided food to the participants of this event, which task has now fallen to Mike Griffin.

Photos from last year's Herb Healy Open House by Steven Stepak.

This information was taken from minutes of the club from January 27, 1974 and talking with Mr. Harry Lyman and William Lukowiak in past years. There are more testimonies about Mr. Healy that I am omitting.

Bemardo Iglesias
December 2007

Photos from last year by Robert Oresick.

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