Sunday, May 24, 2009

REMINDER! Vigorito lecture this week-May 27.

The Boylston Chess Club Master Lecture Series presents:
International Master David Vigorito
MAY 27th -- 7PM

IM David Vigorito is the reigning 2008 co-champ for the Boylston Chess Club (also champ in 2007 and our current President), and has been the state champion of Massachusetts (2007), New Hampshire, and Nevada. David has won a number of tournaments in the US and Budapest. He will be speaking about his recent chess exploits at Foxwoods 2009 and other recent events.

Following the lecture, David will play a simul against all comers.

David's lecture style is accessible for all ages and all levels of player. Based on the smiles on their faces and the questions that they asked, the 20 attendees at his previous BCC lecture had a good time. He also writes a popular column full of practical real-game insights for Chess Horizons.

When: Wednesday, May 27th. The lecture starts at 7:00 p.m.; the simultaneous exhibition starts at 8:30 p.m.
Where: The Boylston Chess Club
Admission: For BCC Members: Lecture - Free, Simul - $5; Non-members: Lecture - $5, Simul - $10
Other: The simultaneous exhibition will take place if 10 people or more are interested.

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