Sunday, June 28, 2009

Lawyer Times and Eric Strickland win in the Boylston's Swiss #23

On Saturday, June 27, Lawyer Times (3.5) won in the Open Section (n = 14) of the BCF Swiss #23, including a victory over Dave Vigorito.

Carey Theil and Mika Brattain tied for 2nd with 3.0 each.

Eric Strickland drove down from Brattleboro, VT and won all of his games for a clear 1st in the 10 player U1800 section.

Daniel Bromberg scored 3.0 and took 2nd. His loss was due to a blunder, much to the consternation of Marc Esserman, his teacher, who was just as upset that Daniel was playing in the under section.

In a strategy you don't see every day, Jesse's King led his Rook and Queen on a valiant but ultimately fatal charge down Zaroug's e-file.

Robert Oresick was the TD.

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