Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Celebrate the Jewish New Year with a Free Tournament in Waltham

Hi fellow chess-players,

This is my first official event promotion here on the Waltham Chess Club e-mail list, a great way to launch us into fall.

We have a rated 2-round G/60 on Friday, September 18, 2009, in honor of the Jewish New Year. This event is FREE OF CHARGE to EVERYONE. It will be held at our usual time (registration 7-7:25 PM; first round around 7:30 PM) and usual place (the cafeteria of the IBM Building in Waltham). This is our first FEE-FREE rated event, and we look forward to holding more in the future. Our website is www.walthamchessclub.org.

In addition, for those traveling to Rhode Island, the first Pawn-Eater of the season will be held on this Saturday, 9/12/09. The 3rd Max Malyuta Memorial will be held on Saturday 10/17/09. Their website is http://www.richess.org.

I hope as many of you as can make it will come see us in Waltham. See you over the board!

In response to a request, the address of the Waltham Chess Club is the IBM Building at 404 Wyman Street in Waltham, parallel with northbound Route 128 (or I-95) between Exits 27 and 28. Both address and directions are on our website (www.walthamchessclub.org).

I hope to see as many of you there as can come.

Nicholas P. Sterling, Ph.D.
Waltham Chess Club
Tournament Director

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