Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Chess Ad Perpetuam Memoriam

One of the coolest things about chess web pages and blogs is that they are living documents of what's considered hot in chess. And not only do they disseminate current events that reflect chess life at the moment simultaneously they are building a view of chess into the past. The crosstables stored by the USCF since 1992 are a great resource.

Over time we are building a history unlike anything seen before in the chess. The BCF has gone out of its way in preserving much about Harry Lyman. And in addition the current BCF webpage is growing an asset about all local chess players great and common alike.

And I get a warm feeling when I occasionally view old photo's on the web site of all people, some now looking older, among those photos. Especially the players who have passed away, for example: Greg Hager, Everyday Ed Lafferty, Gus Goselin. Plus photo's of players who are no longer active around here, example: old nemesis Mikhail Derazhne, Kimani Stancil, Hal Fishbien. Great memories of past battles and moments of the past are generated within when I view these.

Perhaps we should create a special page of photo's containing BCF players that have gone onto that great chess hall in the sky? It would be nice to realize that some karma of your chess past would even exist after you are gone.

Please Comment.

Thank You

Mike Griffin



We do have a section of photos in the club gallery (BCC Venerables and Luminaries) devoted to some past or deceased members like Harry and Gus, and we are trying to build up a photo collection of members and players at the Boylston. I think we have at least one photo of each of the folks you mentioned at:

bob oresick

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