Monday, May 17, 2010

$10 Open Addendum

Chess: 5/15 $10 Open addendum

IM David Vigorito arrived, now a common citizen of the BCF, just wanting to play a day of chess. It was obvious that David carries no gripes that the sometimes burdensome BCF presidency carries. David thank you for your patience with us. David co won the tournament with Chris Chase.

To add to Bob Oresick's comments about the two week visit of former BCC president Brian Clark: Brian now resides in Los Vegas and is a professional poker player. Brian also edits and writes an e-magazine TwoPlusTwo working with Dan Harrington and Bill Robertie (both former BCC members). Brian brought the BCC into the computer age donating a PC to the club so pairings could be automatic in the 80’s.

Eric Goden has be in absentia for quite some time, played Saturday. It was good to see him back.

There is going to be a new Bobby Fischer movie called Pawn Sacrifice to be directed by David Fincher the cast has not been selected. It will be about the 1972 match. I discussed with Harold Dondis who could play him, as Harold was at Reykjavík in 1972 and had some minor involvement in the effort persuade Bobby not to walk away from the match after forfeiting game two. We agreed that Matt Damon would make a good young Harold Dondis. Harold's biggest chess claim to fame is that he is one of the few people to defeat Bobby Fischer, he did it in a simul in Fitchberg and was carried around the hall.

What other things of interest occurred last Saturday?

Please Comment.

Thank You Mike

Griffin 05/17/2010

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