Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Nathan Resika as Don Giovanni

BCC members - I played with and heard him sing at the United States Amateur Team Championships this year, and he is the real deal!

Dear Alex,

How are you? Enjoying the summer?

I wanted to let you know I'm singing in Don Giovanni with some top flight singers (NYC opera, Metropolitan) and a 40 piece orchestra (!) in Lebanon, New Hampshire. The company is very well known in NE, called Operanorth.

I'm on August 19th, Thursday at 2pm (lead role) and on Aug 13th, 17th, 19th, 21st at 7pm (supporting role - big scene at opera's end).

For more info or tickets, go to www.operanorth.org.

This opera is an amazing timeless classic with unbelievably beautiful music and profound drama. I'm hoping some of the chess community can make it up here.

Is there a way you could forward this notice to the Boylston Club Blog?

Ive been up here rehearsing for 2 weeks already with no day off... but it's been a pleasure.

Best always,

Nathan Resika

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