Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Nice job with rating data, USCF!

I don't know how long this option has been around, but USCF now has a "Show Game Statistics" link under:

Players & Ratings > Player/Rating Lookup (look yourself or anyone else up)

I'm glad to see expanded use of their database. It's nice to see I have kept a clean score since 1991 against players rated in the 1300's and below. I wish I could say I have kept a clean score against players higher rated than that, but I am pretty certain some of our club's 1400's are among those who took points and half-points from me.

Ouch, and I can see I start hitting the wall against players rated in the 1800's and higher.

One of the options is to see your top 25 opponents (greatest # of games played against). I see I'm currently even with Jon Lee over 16 games, and also even with Mike Griffin over 5. I no longer have to do the stats work myself (well, okay, I never really did that work, but I enjoy seeing the stats).

Nice job, USCF!

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