Monday, September 13, 2010


Tony Cortizas made this fine (and slightly disturbing) poster in honor of the Boston T-Party battle between the 3-0 upstarts New England Nor'easters and the mercurial, perennial favorite, the 2-1 Boston Blitz.

Here is the matchup:
Boston Blitz New England Nor'easters
GM Larry Christiansen: 2665 IM Sam Shankland: 2567
SM Denys Shmelov: 2471 IM Robert Hungaski: 2520
WGM Anya Corke: 2322 FM Christopher Chase: 2382
NM Ilya Krasik: 2253 NM Alex Cherniack: 2288
Avg Rating: 2428 Avg Rating: 2439

Come to the Boylston Chess Club at 240 Elm St. B9 to watch and discuss the action!
Who will win? To answer that question, I think back on the old Saturday Night Live, Bulls vs. Bears Chicago fan sketches. In a quiz show, they were simply asked the question Bulls vs. Bears. One contestant wrote:
"The senseless waste of pitting these two mighty forces of nature against each other, like matter vs. anti-matter, will be a tragedy, not only for the teams involved but for our planet. All nations must band together, to ensure that such a conflageration never takes place."

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