Sunday, September 19, 2010

New England Nor'easters vs. Philly Inventors, Monday! 7PM

Hi Ho! Welcomee to the Schwag Blah-g! No matter what I write, there is no way to produce a blog as obnoxious as Philly's! A few weeks ago, they wrote, "There is absolutely no way we could produce a blog as obnoxious as Boston’s. This year, the otherwise indecipherable prediction blog produced by Boston actually has the nerve to predict a 4-0 win. Sure, Boston…in your dreams!"

Now I'm switching to purple! Three minutes of typinggg and I get an awarddd !!! Ohh, is this too hard to read? How about this colorrrr! Maybe I should put it on a big blue background, too, like a junky Myspace page. Well, let's look at the matchups.

New England Nor'easters vs Philadelphia Inventors

IM David Vigorito: 2524 FM Tom Bartell: 2429
FM Charles Riordan: 2397 IM Jay Bonin: 2424
FM Braden Bournival: 2381 FM Karl Dehmelt: 2308
NM Alex Cherniack: 2288 NM Elvin Wilson: 2240
Avg Rating: 2398 Avg Rating: 2350

You know, I really like our chances.

I don't want to go predictingg too much, but Bartell's win over Gulko in Week 1 maybe isn't as impressive now that Gulko got crushed again this week. David can even spot his opponent's extra pawns in the opening and still win.

Jay, now playing for Philly, used to play tons of games, but Charles has a clear-minded, almost purely intellectual approach to the game that really speaks well of his chances.

Brad and Karl-- hard to say, neither of them really play that much in the League.

Evan Wilson vs. Alex Cherniack, Evan was once a Board 4 all star, but his performance has trailed off in recent years. Alex's play is up and down, good against Shen, dancing with death against Krasik last week.

I won't go so far as to say that New England is going to beat, Philly, but YEAH, New England is going to beat Philly! New England will BRING IT. Expect Philly to UN-invent some chess play this week. Philly, while flying a kite with a key on it, will indeed discover the electricity of the Nor'easter when it gets BURNED this week. Philly will be knocked back to 1776!

and END voice:
Charles has a great recap/preview of the match at the
New England Nor'easters homepage. I really like how his notes are easy to follow with just the help of the diagrams, instead of endless side computer variations with ( followed by [ followed by { and then } with a ] and a ).

Should be fun. Looking at the 3.5-0.5 match score compared to their total games score (at 59%, it is lower than 3rd place Baltimore), the Nor'easters have certainly been entertaining! These stats are exactly what a balanced team hopes for.

Come to the Boylston Chess Club to watch the match Monday. Concurrent with our club Championship, it is an opportunity to observe even more of our local talent live.

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