Sunday, December 26, 2010

Larry Christiansen is a fighter - no bull

I learned from Stephen Dann's column in the Telegram that Larry Christiansen is a fighter in more ways than chess:______________________________________________________________

Stephen Dann
Grandmaster Larry Christiansen of Cambridge was once a bullfighter? The famous photo from a vintage Chess Life cover was part of Edward Winter’s Chess Explorations featuring chess players with some unusual pets, including photos of early 20th-century world champion Jose Capablanca on horseback, found at

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Images from:

Edward Winter's Chess Explorations (54)
20.12.2010 – The bullfighter is revealed as Larry Christiansen. In giving the answers to the picture quiz the Editor of Chess Notes adds further illustrations on the theme of chessplayers and animals, including several shots of Alekhine’s Siamese cats and, alarmingly, a kibitzing circus lion. The quiz prizes are DVDs signed by masters at the London Chess Classic, and the three winners are now announced.


Dan Schmidt said...

Yasser Seirawan mentions this event, along with at least one other great Larry anecdote (I won't give it away!), in his great recent book Chess Duels.

Ken Ho said...

Aw, c'mon, Dan, you mean I'm going to have to buy that book?

(Actually, I have a couple of Yasser's books, which he cheerfully signed when I visited his ICE office in Washington state years ago. They've always been enjoyable reads, so I may very well buy Chess Duels later.)

Anonymous said...

Now I know I'm old - I looked at those photos and thought, "Yeah, that's Larry Christiansen from the cover of Chess Life a few years ago. Everyone knows that!"

Yeah, maybe not quite.

Rick Massimo

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