Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Spring Open -- the 2 day tournament is back!

Does your flag hang by a thread in Game 60? Yearn for more Sunday chess events? Long for the way chess "used to be played?" Want prizes to be guaranteed? If you miss having a two day weekend tournament with a slower time control, then this weekend's Spring Open is for you:

2 Sections: Open and Under 1800, (at least 6 in each section, otherwise there will be joined to other section)
4 Rounds (Swiss System Pairings)
Time Control: 40 moves in 90 minutes followed by Sudden Death 20 minutes
Entry Fee: $17 to Boylston Chess Foundation members, all others $27
Prizes $300 based on 25 entries: Open Section - 1st $120 2nd $60 3rd $30; Under 1800 Section - 1st $60 2nd $30
Registration: 9:15 – 9:55 AM
Round 1 begins at 10:00 AM, Round 2 begins at 2:30 PM

1 comment:

Ken Ho said...

Hey, Ross, weren't you just talking about such an event?

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