Sunday, May 08, 2011

Breaking news-- Kamsky defeats Topalov in 1st Candidate Match

With Kamsky's victory over Topalov, he not only propels himself into the Top 15 FIDE live ratings, he also edges Nakamura into the Number 7 spot, just 2 points shy of being a top 5 player in the world. We are close to having two Americans in the Top 10; any ideas if that has ever happened before (Seriwan and Kamsky, for example?)


Anonymous said...

May 1974, Fischer was #1 and Kavalek was #10.

Rihel said...

Cool! Never would have guessed that one.

Ken Ho said...

Wow, Matt, that surprised me, too. Go, Lubosh! (Or is that, "Went, Lubosh!")

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