Monday, January 09, 2012

Board Meeting on Wednesday!

At 7:00PM on Wednesday, 11 January the Boylston Chess Club will have its next Board Meeting. Members in good standing are encouraged to come and observe, and this is a wonderful way of finding out exactly what is happening in the club and how things get done.

This Wednesday's Board Meeting will be special because we will be transitioning the Presidency of the Club. Jason is finally leaving for a position in England within the month and will be resigning and transitioning as President this Wednesday.

Wednesday's meeting will be about partitioning out Jason's jobs and responsibilities and discussing and potentially selecting a new Club President. The Club's Bylaws do not allow for an automatic ascension of the Vice President to the position of President, and so the Board anticipates some discussion as to who will inherit the office.

We anticipate this will be an important and productive Board Meeting.

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