Saturday, January 14, 2012

Jason Rihel ... Well Done!

There have been great BCF Presidents in the past.
Paul McIntyre who engineered the Great Exodus from Boston to Somerville comes to mind.

But the greatest leader the BCF has ever had, in my opinion, is/was Jason Rihel.

Not only did Jason organize his
Argonauts to work out of the disaster of two floods during March 2010 that shut the club down for a month,

he was incredibly pro active on many situations that never became issues. Jason had to navigate the club thru the cheating situation of 2011 as well. Also if you check the minutes of past year and a half you will find many unanimous votes, as Jason had a way of having things worked out in committee and ready for prime time by the time they came up for vote.

Jason also invented the Grand Prix format which was the most successful tournament format introduced in a long time in both attendance and income for the club.

The current BCF Board has great talent in 11 people with tremendous experience and skills. Special notice has to be given to NM Charles Riordan (now President),

NM Carey Theil (now VP),

Treasurer Dean Robert Oresick, and Dr Jason Rihel who have created an information pipeline to explain why the BCF is so important and special to Boston chess life. So effective that the BCF raised $8K + in donations in 2011. Donations are very important to the BCF as the BCF would be in the red without the great help from its members.

(Special Kudos to Dan Schmidt who paid for the wooden sets at BCF)

But 8K means we have an opportunity do a couple of things to help entertain you chess players in addition to having heat and electricity.

Again Thank You for your service Jason and good luck in London. [ Jason will leave this week for a new research job in London, for 5 years.]

Do you have any good Jason stories or ideas as to how we might make the BCF more fun with trying more things in 2012?

Thank You

Mike Griffin

Graphics by

Bob Oresick

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