Monday, January 16, 2012

The South Station New Year's Eve Simul!

New Year's Eve was special last year (which was, of course, only a couple of weeks ago). Twenty-four people had the privilege of ending out the year by being beaten by three-time United States Champion, and Boylston Chess Club member, Grandmaster Larry Christiansen.

In a widely observed simultaneous exhibition held in the middle of Boston's South Station, Grandmaster Christiansen took on all comers in a series of battles that raged for almost two hours, all told. Larry estimates that he may have walked a little over a mile as he went round-and-round the inside of a large square set up just to one side of South Station's Christmas model train exhibit.

As happened during the first Simul held in October, people ringed the backs of the players, actively interested in what was going on, and again whispering, "Who is the guy in the center? He's pretty good!"

Flyers and brochures advertising the Boyslton Chess Club were available and picked up by interested onlookers which will hopefully translate into a few new, enthusiastic club members for us. South Station has already expressed interest in another event in the near future! In the meantime, remember you can still borrow sets from the Security Station near the bathrooms on the main level and play other people at the station, hopefully garnering more interest for chess and the Club.

The New Year's Eve Simul was organized by Boylston CC Members Womans Candidate Master Natasha Christiansen, Nathan Smolensky and Doc Kinne.

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