Wednesday, March 14, 2012

'Twas the Simul Last Week

As South Station clamored with rush hour thunder, 
At its center the crowds saw an int'resting wonder.
A great figure present, unbeknownst t' some of them, 
'Twas Larry. M. Christiansen, the famous GM. 

He played at a time up to two dozen and one, 
And as the games finished, more still would come. 
He had but one loss, and one loss alone
To the expert J. Nicholas, the Boylston club's own. 

Please know this event of its kind not the last, 
And far from the first, for now four we've amassed. 
And to those who more South Station Simuls should crave, 
The next's April 10th, so that date should be saved.  

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