Monday, May 21, 2012

BCF Member Tony DiNosse is hospitalized for pneumonia

Yesterday I spoke with long time BCF member Tony DiNosse, who is in the hospital.  Tony was in good spirits, but said he will likely not be released for several more days.  Apparently he underwent surgery after suffering pneumonia, and doctors told him that he could have become dangerously ill if his condition had been allowed to worsen for a few more days.

I'm sure Tony would like to hear from other chess players, so if you get a chance give him a call.  The direct number at his room is 617-632-1838.  If you would like to visit him, he is at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, in the Farr 2 building, in room 220.

Get better Tony!


Rihel said...

Thanks for the update Carey.

Here's hoping for a speedy recovery for Tony.

Rihel said...

Hi everyone-- I called Tony today at the hospital and I understand from him that he is being released today. He sounds in good spirits. He wants everyone to know that he was sick, but now he is getting better.


Ken said...

London calling to the faraway towns...


Rihel said...

Ken-- I see what you did there!

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