Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Chess Town (Summer in the City)

Artist's Rendering of the future of Brewer Fountain Plaza. Credit Friends of the Public Garden.

As many of you know, the Boylston Chess Club takes its name from the street in downtown Boston on which it was originally located. We left that location years ago, and in our doing so the presence of chess in the heart of the city faded somewhat. 
But the tide is turning. With the refurbishment of Brewer Fountain Plaza in Boston Common, chess tables are now open to the public there, with sets and clocks also available during weekdays. Come by and play! If there aren't any sets out, you can request them at the reading area.
Just a few blocks away, you can also check out our NEXT SOUTH STATION SIMUL, MAY 8TH AT 5:00 P.M., with local GM and three-time U.S. Champion Larry Christiansen!  
It's an exciting time for chess in the city, so join the fun!

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