Wednesday, June 06, 2012


Vigorito on the Dragon



Dave Vigorito's new book on the Dragon was favorably reviewed by Carsten Hansen on the ChessCafe site.

Dave is a master writer and former president of the Boylston.


Chess Developments: The Sicilian Dragon by David Vigorito, Everyman Chess 2011, Figurine Algebraic Notation, Paperback, 320pp. $27.95 (ChessCafe Price $23.95)

The idea behind this series is that the author only focuses on lines that are crucial, topical, or where there are important and significant developments at hand. Here, international master David Vigorito shows himself capable of handling even very complex topics and exceedingly sharp openings.
As mentioned on the back cover, the Sicilian Dragon is one of the most eagerly discussed chess openings. Yet, as noted by Vigorito, it is a very narrow opening with a relatively limited number of critical variations. Nevertheless, within those few lines, there are a plethora of possibilities that need to memorized in detail, because one misstep can have fatal consequences for the side who goes wrong. In all honesty, most Dragon players feel they must know everything about this fascinating opening, which is, of course, misguided.
The contents are divided as follows:
  • Bibliography (1 page)
  • Introduction (2 pages)
  • Part I: 9 Bc4 Bd7 (2 pages)
  • Soltis Variation: 10 0-0-0 Rc8 11 Bb3 Ne5 12 h4 h5 (49 pages)
  • Modern Variation: 10 0-0-0 Rc8 11 Bb3 Ne5 12 Kb1 (31 pages)
  • Topalov Variation: 10 0-0-0 Rc8 11 Bb3 Nxd4 (27 pages)
  • Chinese Variation: 10 0-0-0 Rb8 (25 pages)
  • Accelerated Variation: 10 Bb3 Nxd4 11 Bxd4 b5 (24 pages)
  • Part II: 9 0-0-0 and 9 g4 (2 pages)
  • 9 0-0-0 d5 10 exd5 (39 pages)
  • 9 0-0-0 d5 10 Qe1 (19 pages)
  • 9 0-0-0 d5 10 Kb1 (30 pages)
  • 9 0-0-0 Nxd4 and 9…Bd7 (33 pages)
  • 9 g4 (21 pages)
  • Index of Variations (9 pages)
  • Index of Complete Games (3 pages)
As you can see, all of the lines include castling to opposite sides, because the classical lines are largely considered harmless for Black or have not changed in their theoretical evaluation over the past few years.
When comparing the analysis presented in this volume with my own notes and analysis done over the years, I found the material to be of first-rate quality and full of intriguing new ideas. It is jam-packed with original analysis, improvements, or alternatives to the analysis done by others. These others frequently being top players, international masters, or grandmasters.
This makes this volume of great interest to Dragon aficionados, but less relevant for weaker players, simply because the material is far too complicated for average players. I enjoyed the material in this book; the journey it will take the reader on is both full of wonder and instruction.
My assessment of this book: Great
Chess Developments: The Sicilian Dragon
Item #:  3078
List Price  US $27.95
ChessCafe Price:  US $23.95

Order Chess Developments: The Sicilian Dragon
by David Vigorito
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by David Vigorito

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