Sunday, August 26, 2012

Charles Drafts results

The 19th annaul Charles Drafts Memorial tournament concluded Saturday.

FM Kazim Gulamali was the winner of the open section with 4.0.

[Read about FM Gulamai in an interesting interview by Daaim Shabazz at]

Mateos Sahakian and Oliver Traldi shared second place with 3.0 scores.

In the under 1900 section, Vyacheslav Mayorskiy took first prize with 3.5.

 Mark Neale and Bowen Wang tied for second with scores of 2.5.

Bernardo Iglesias directed the tournament, and Walter Driscoll was the assistant TD.   Walter originated the tournament in memory of his friend Charles Drafts, and also again this year, guaranteed the $400 prize fund.  



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