Saturday, September 29, 2012

And the September Thursday Night Swiss Champ Is...

September's Thursday Night Swiss has concluded.

The Last Endgame: Cross Accepts Curtis's Resignation to Snag
2nd Place in September's Thursday Night Swiss
© BY-SA Doc Kinne
In all we had a total, over the four weeks of battle, of 20 participants. And, as the scoretable will show, the games this month were hard-fought.

There was a four-way tie for 2nd Place Under 1800:

Bret Zeldow
Joel Wald
Harold Dondis
Timothy O'Malley

This was Timothy's first tournament, and we hope to see a good bit more of him. Timothy is a product of the increasingly sucessful South Station Simuls. Timothy came to the Simul two months ago, learned about the Boylston, and the Thursday Night Swiss was his first rated touranment. Welcome Timothy!

And the Winner of the Under 1800 Section - for the very last time we think - was

Oliver Traldi with 3 points!

Oliver is making some rapid improvements in his play and this is reflected by his rating. Coming into the Thursday Night Swiss a month ago his published rating was 1640. Today is rating is 1864! Congratulations, Oliver! Now its time to play with the big boys!

Turning our attention to the overall winners, there was a fight for 2nd Place as well with two making it to that honor.

Second Place for the September 2012 Thursday Night Swiss goes to:

Terrence Fricker
Ted Cross

Congratulations to two of our long-time stalwarts!

And now, finally, the clear winner, with a perfect 4.0 score, of the September 2012 Thursday Night Swiss - something that I've come to unofficially consider our Monthly Club Championship - goes to:

Eric Godwin!

Congratulations to everyone. It was a great, hard-fought tournament. Remember that victory is never a static condition. You can continually try for it, and you have to continually defend the victories you garner in the chess world. The next chance you have is the October Thursday Night Swiss starting 4 October.

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