Friday, October 05, 2012

Meet Your 2013 MA USCF Delegates!

by Doc Kinne

One of the responsibilities of MACA as the MA State Affiliate is to recruit and select state delegates to the USCF for the coming year. Among other things, these Delegates attend the Annual USCF Delegate Meeting, held during the US Open to propose and approve legislation of various types, from By-Laws to various Committees. Each "state" - and I put that in quotes because, according to the USCF Northern CA and Southern CA are states, as is the District of Columbia - get a number of Delegates based on their USCF population. Massachusetts is allocated three. They select three Primary Delegates, and also three Alternate Delegates to step up in case something happens with the Primary Delegates. This year's Delegates were special because virtually 50% of them are Boylston Chess Club members!

 Primary Delegates

1) Ken Ballou

Ken has been an MA Delegate for a number of years. He is a National USCF Tournament Director, and a FIDE Arbiter. Ken is active on the Elections, Rules, and Tournament Director Certification Committees of the Federation. He is part of the Metrowest Chess Club where he is on the Tournament Directing Staff.


 2) Bob Messenger

Bob is a very active Associate National USCF Tournament Director having directed more than 2000 sections in 420 different events since 1991. Last year he was created a FIDE Arbiter. Politically, Bob is also very active holding the office of Treasurer of MACA as well as heading various Committees on that Board. He is also President of the New England Chess Association. In his non-MA time he directs for the CCA.


 3) Richard "Doc" Kinne

Doc is new after having returned to chess almost a year and a half ago. He is a Local USCF Tournament Director, Clerk for the Boylston Chess Club, and on the MACA Board of Directors. This is his first time as a Delegate, and this will also be his first US Open.


 Alternate Delegates 

 1) Walter Driscoll, III

Walter is a member of the MACA Board of Directors. He is a Local USCF Tournament Director where he mainly organizes and directs the Charles Drafts Memorial Tournament at the Boylston Chess Club.


 2) Nathan Smolensky

Nathan, a recent Boston College graduate, is a new member of the MACA Board of Directors. He is also on the Boylston Chess Club Board and active in reviving that club's scholastic program. As a Local USCF Tournament Director Nathan is very active on the Boylston's Directing Staff as well.


 3) National Master Andrew Wang

At 17 Andrew has already built up an impressive playing resume. He has been MA State Scholastic Champion multiple times, National Scholastic Champion, and also part of the USCF All-American Team for several years. This will be his first foray into chess politics.


Quozjax said...

Three prolific supporters of Massachusetts chess among the primary delegates. Congratulations to all. Well deserved.

Just a small correction - I graduated from BC, not BU. This is a common mistake, but I just wanted to make clear that I did not attend Boston University, nor do I endorse their ATROCIOUS HOCKEY TEAM. Thank you.

Doc_Kinne said...

Correction made. Thanks!

Yes, I've heard that their hockey team must apparently die.

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