Tuesday, October 09, 2012

The Boylston Chess Club Annual Meeting!

Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

As We Announce the Annual Meeting of the Boylston Chess Club!

This is the Big, Important, Annual Meeting we have where all the Club members are welcome and we do Big, Important Stuff such as Electing the Club Officers for next year!  (And you thought just the Republicans & Democrats had all the fun this year, didn't you?)

Here you'll hear news of how the Club has done over the past year, and perhaps some of the ideas people have for next year?  Do you have an idea? Come and share it with us!  The Boylston Chess Club has proved to be one of the most progressive and successful in MA, and that reputation comes from you, our members.

Want to help out? Thinking of helping the Club go? Why not run for the Board? The Boylston Chess Club Board has been described as "one of the two best Boards I've ever had the pleasure of being on," by Doc Kinne. And since he's been on no less than six boards through his life he should know what he's talking about. Sometimes.

The Annual Meeting will be held at the Boylston Chess Club Tournament Hall at 7:00PM on Tuesday, 16 October.

Reserve your seat now!

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