Friday, December 07, 2012


IM David Vigorito, winner of Elaine Kahn Memorial Tournament, with a perfect 4-0 score.

Jesse Nicholas, 1st Place, in the November Thursday Night Swiss, with a perfect 4-0 score.
Jesse also won his QUAD with a 2-1 score.

NM Eric Godin wins November Grand Prix with 3.5 out of 4.
 Eric also tied for first with Oliver Traldi in the Greg Hager Memorial with a 3.5 out of 4 score.

Oliver Traldi, tied for first with NM Eric Godin
 in the Greg Hager Memorial Tournament with a 3.5 out of 4 score.

Nithin Kavi won his QUAD with a 2-1 score.

NM Lawyer Times, a gentleman and a scholar:
 wins BCC 7 Round Club Championship with 4.5 out of 7.
See Ken Ho post below for Master LawyerTimes' annotated decisive game.

Ted Cross, a man with a gentle heart and a sharp mind,
 wins BCC 7 Round Hauptturnier with 5 points.

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