Monday, January 07, 2013


The BCC QUADS brought on some exciting games and results. In the "master" QUAD, NM Mika Brattain and NM Eric Godin shared first place with 2 points.
NM Mika Brattain, 1-2nd in Master Quad.
NM Eric Godin, 1-2nd in Master Quad.
Ross Eldridge (upper right, green top) went clear first in QUAD 2. Siddharth Arun (facing Ross, with a drawn game) was 2nd with 2 points.
Nithin Kavi was clear 1st with 2.5 points in QUAD 3.
Mark Fins, (playing Conway Xu above), was clear 2nd with 2 points in QUAD 3.
Mike Griffin vs Bernardo Iglesias (draw!) shared 1-2nd place in
a 3 round swiss with 6 players.
Nicholas Lesieur (right) playing white vs George Norman in Round 2, 
came in clear 3rd in the swiss event.

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