Thursday, January 03, 2013


BCC Quads, this Saturday. It is a 3 round event, with a time control of G/60 +5 sec delay.

OK sounds good, yes? But why should you play in a quad?  Well, there are at least two good reasons: 1. you are paired with players your own strength, and rating range; and 2. you play everyone in your section. Yes, an "all-play-all" round robin. You know who you are going to play and with what color from the beginning of the event. Here is your chance to plan your tournament strategy accurately, and push hard for the win. Also, the prize fund can be worth your while, too! And the last round is scheduled for 3:00 PM. Thus this event is over by 5:00 PM. So you still have time and energy to do something else fun Saturday evening. From a chess point of view, for you to play 3 games which demand focus and creativity is quite enough chess in one afternoon. If you have a chance to win your quad by Round 3, you will still have energy and stamina to do so.  All in all, it makes good sense to play in the BCC QUADS.

So, bring your enthusiasm, your chess fingers and your pen to the BCC QUADS, this Saturday.  This event is especially recommended for children who are just learning to play.

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