Tuesday, January 22, 2013


IM Marc Esserman fought his way to clear first with 3.5 points in the BCC "Legends of Chess" honoring the world renowned attacking player, GM Bent Larsen.
IM Esserman vs Levon Aronian look-a-like Oliver Traldi, Round 3.
Traldi scored 2.5 points and finished the event 6-8th.
Harvard Chess Club President Tony Blum plays black vs FM Chris Chase.
Blum and Chase each scored 3 points for 2nd-5th place.
Face off between the presidents:
Tony Blum (Harvard CC) vs Nathan Smolensky (BCC President)
NM Eric Godin (center) looks intensely on . . . 
Godin scored 3 points and finished 2nd-5th.
Philip Nutzman, who scored 3 points and finished 2-5th,
 prepares his opening thoughts.
Jason Tang plays Luke Lung in Round 2.
Both players scored 2.5 points and finished 6-8th.
Adrian Johnston vs Jerry Williams (background).
Traldi captures Esserman's knight in early action from their Round 3 game.
Legends of Chess (Larsen) Round 3 players. . . 
There were 21 participants in this event.

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