Sunday, January 27, 2013


IM Marc Esserman notched 4 points to go perfect,
capturing clear 1st place, in the Open Section,  
of the BCC January Grand Prix
IM Esserman writes down his move vs expert Jesse Nicholas in Round 2.
NM Andrew Wang (left) seen here facing off with Black vs Philip Nutzman 
in Round 2, scored 3 points and came in 2-4th in the Open Section. From this event, Wang's rating went over the 2300 mark to 2302.  Bravo Andrew!
Expert Emanuel Mevs (left) playing Black against NM Eric Godin,
scored 3 points good for 2-4th place in the Open Section.
Mateos Gourken Sahakian, (right) on the move with the white pieces,
vs. Mark Fins, also scored 3 points coming in 2-4th in the Open Section.
Veteran player expert Arthur Nugent seen here playing in Round 2 in the Open Section.
View of Open Section: Ross Eldridge v Luke Lung (foreground);
Mike Griffin v Nithin Kavi (background).
Matthew Duncan Manzo scored 3 points to come in clear first in the U1800 Section.
Eric Feng (right) plays White v Robert Holgren. Feng scored 2.5 points 
good for clear 2nd in U1800 Section.
Brandon Wu considers his move in Round 2.  Wu scored 2 points, 
good for clear 3rd in U1800 Section.
Rising Star, Mateos Sahakian: +37 rating points.
A day of many hard-fought battles and 
good strategic chess.
There were 26 participants in this event.

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