Wednesday, January 02, 2013


Candidate Master: Andrew Liu First Place, Open Section
National Master: Eric Godin 2nd Place, Open Section
Andrew Liu scored a perfect 4 points in the Open Section of the BCC December Grand Prix. Eric Godin was 2nd with 3 points. Jesse Nicholas, Armrit Gupta, Arthur Tang, Luke Lung and Syed Al-Mamun went 3rd-7th place with 2 points.
Brandon Wu, was 1st Place scoring 3.5 points, going undefeated
 in U1600 Section of BCC Grand Prix

                                                    Brandon Wu vs Eddie Wei: Round 3, draw!

Chen Bai, 2-3rd, U1600 Grand Prix with 3 points.

David Dagg, 2-3rd, U1600 Grand Prix with 3 points.

Harold Dondis, Esq. 1-0 vs Bobby Fischer (1964) and perennial Chess Columnist.
Oldest Active Chess Player in the USA, at 90+ and still ticking,
sports new hat at BCC Dec. Grand Prix.

1 comment:

NHCA2 said...

Actually, I think Harold Dondis has to settle for second place in the race for oldest active player, behind 97 year old Erik Karklins of IL. Karklins is #88 on the USCF top 65+ age list here:,com_top_players/Itemid,371?op=list&month=1212&f=usa&l=Top Seniors&fields=5&h=Top Age 65 and Over
-- Hal Terrie

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