Monday, February 18, 2013


 NM Eric Godin plays NM Jacob Chudnovsky to a draw in Round 2. 
Chudnovsky won the section with 2.5 points out of 3.
Expert Matthew Derek Meredith (left) plays white vs NM Andrew Wang.
Wang placed 2nd in the Master Quad with 2 points.
[NM Harry Lyman, BCC Gardian Angel (framed photo above) observes.]
Siddharth Arun, black vs Michelle Xueying Chen in Round 2.
Billy Collins (green hat) on the move vs Jesse Nicholas.
Nicholas and Collins went 1-2 in the Expert Quad with 2 points.
Siddarth and Chen shared 3-4th place with 1 point each.
Arthur Tang 2 points for 1-2nd in A Quad.
Ross Eldridge also had 2 points for 1-2nd in A Quad.

Mike Griffin, black vs Loring Lauretti in Round 2.
Lauretti won the B Quad with a perfect 3-0 score.
Robert J. Holmgren had 2 points for clear 2nd in B Quad.
Thomas Carr won the 3RR Swiss with a perfect 3.0.
Jerry Williams placed 2-3rd in 3SS with 2 points.
Anthony Di Dosse came in 2-3rd in 3SS as well, with 2 points.
Harold Dondis, Esq. won "best hat" seen at Quads.

There were 24 participants in this event.

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