Sunday, February 24, 2013

Jesse Nicholas Clinches BCC February Grand Prix

Expert Jesse Nicholas secured first place in the BCC Grand Prix with a perfect 4-0 score.
Marc Esserman and Eric Godin tied for 2-3rd with 3 points.
BCC Grand Prix Round 2: Emmanuel Mevs, Arthur Tang (foreground) Arthur Nugent shakes hands with IM Mark Esserman (background)  . . . 
Michelle Chen played very well in the Open Section, scoring 2.5 points, good for 4-5th place.
Michelle's rating reached the "chess expert" category (2001).  Brava, Michelle!
Mateo Sahakian (right) playing Aidan Sowa in Round 3 scored 2.5 points in the Open Section, good for 4-5th with Michelle Chen, as his rating continues to climb--in this even 12 points--to 1918. 
Keep up the great work, Mateos!
Crossing Hands: Michelle Chen (right) in post mortem discussion 
with NM Andrew Wang after their Round 2 game. Jesse Nicholas observes.
There were 22 players in the Open Section.
Harold Dondis, 90 + oldest active chess player in the USA faces off with youngest BCC player, 
Eddie Wei. Second game: Chen Bai (red pullover) white vs Larry Jin. Third game: William Wisdom (blue) plays black pieces vs Richard Alan Chen. Game Four:  Eddie Wang plays David Zhu Sun. Dondis, Eddie Wei, Bai Chen and Eddie Wang each scored 3 points good for 1st-4th in a field of 15 players.
BCC Grand Prix: Full House!
Katharine Gasser, oldest woman veteran chess player in Massachusetts plays her 2 round game with Joel Wald.  Gasser scored a perfect 2-0 before withdrawing from the event in Round 3.
Kate Gasser started playing tournament chess in Massachusetts in 1970.
Lucy Cai Jiaying scored 2.5 in the U1800 section for a 45 point rating increase. Brava Lucy!
Carissa Yip scored 1.5 points in the Open Section, playing with creativity and wit.
Edward Chiu vs Mark O'Brien in U1800 R 2.
Post Mortem and blitz in the skittles room.
A good time was had by all, as you can see!
Bernardo Iglesias did a fantastic job as TD in a total participation of 37 GP players and 4 extra games.
Mike Griffin plays Jerry Williams (best dressed in tournament) in Round 2.
Grand Prix, Round 2: Alan Wang v Luke Lung; Katharine Gasser v Joel Wald;
Walter Driscoll v Ryan Sowa; Loring Lauretti v Carissa Yip . . . 

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