Sunday, March 31, 2013


NM Eric Godin, withdraws, after scoring 3 points in a row. He shared 1-3rd place in the Premier Section of the BCC Grand Prix with Carey Theil and Vadlamudi.
Carissa Yip prepares her attack in Round 4 of Premier Section vs Carey Theil.
Michelle Chen vs Carey Theil, Round 3: draw!
Deep into the endgame.
Complex endgame between Jesse Nicholas (right) vs NM Eric Godin, Round 3.
 Sandeep Vadlamudi, 3 points, 1-3rd in Premier Section, GP, good for +93 rating change.
Michelle Chen vs Robert Stewart, Round 2. Michelle finished with 2.5 points, along with Jason Tang and Mike Griffin, good for 4-6th place in the Premier Section of the GP.
 Jason Tang played thoughtful, solid chess against strong competition, good for + 12 rating points.

Mike Griffin uses Monroi to record his moves in game with Conway Xu in Round 4.
Mike's tournament results were good enough for a + 57 rating change. Bravo Mike!
Griffin records move in his draw with Jason Tang in Round 3 with a "Monroi".   
MonRoi: "Mont Roi" (mountain of the king) eg: Montreal, Canada, where the company which developed the device is located.
Carissa Yip scored 2 points in the Premier Section for a +14 rating change!
Eric Scott Matthews (right) scored 3.5 points to claim clear first in the U1800 Section of the GP and a +21 rating change. He is seen here playing Rohan Shankar in Round 3.
Harold Dondis, Esq. scored 3 points in the U1800 Section of the GP good for 2-5th place. Harold, the oldest living active Club player on the planet, at 90+ scored a +11 rating change. Bravo Harold!
Contrary to prevailing rumors on Yawkey Way, however,
 Dondis will not be the Red Sox manager this seasion.
Line-up for Round 2: R. Shankar vs Dan Giaimo. Dan scored 3 points and joined Dondis, Mooney and Birzu for 2-5th place in the U1800 Section of the GP. [background: Cortizas, black vs Chen Bai]
Gabriel Birzu, 3 points: 2-5th in U1800 Section of GP and + 81 rating change.
 Richard Mooney vs Richard Alan Chen, Round 3. [Eric Feng, top left]
Mooney scored 3 points, good for 2-5th in the U1800 Section of the GP and a +31 rating change.
 [left to right] Sandeep Vadlamudi plays James McConville; Arthur Tang vs Conway Xu.
Background: Griffin vs Nicholas.  Round 2.
Letting off steam: between rounds. Skittles and games and lots of laughs!
Michelle Chen vs Conway Xu skittles. Richard Alan Chen, Brandon Wu and Carissa Yip observe.
Lunchbreak: Jesse Nicholas gives Carissa Yip a run for her money. 
The crowd likes it! [Background, left to right: Seth Lieberman, Michelle Chen, Lucy Cai, Percey Yip, Dan Giaimo and Loring Lauretti]
Two of the strongest juniors in Massachusetts: Carissa Yip and Lucy Cai (on the move with white) 
play some skittles games.
What's all the excitement (?): tournament leader, NM Eric Godin decides to withdraw in Round 4. So Bernardo Iglesias, tournament director (left at computer) re-pairs the Premier Section. Carissa Yip will play the strongest remaining player, Carey Theil! Everyone is excited for her!
And. Percey Yip will get to play chess too. 
Here is is paired in an extra game with Sandeep Vadlamudi. The game was drawn.
New face in the hall: Ron Riley. Voted best logo. Ready to weather the storm.
Welcome Ron.
 Bob Oresick, BCC Treasurer receives the tournament accounts 
from BCC Chief TD, Bernardo Iglesias. Bob is looking great, recovering from illness.
Keep up the good work, Bob. Hope to see you playing chess, soon, too!
There were 33 participants in this Grand Prix Event.

1 comment:

Robert Oresick said...

Grat photos as usual Steve. These really enhance the tournament experience.

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