Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Two days away from Spring (March 20, 2013, at 7:02 AM Daylight Savings Time, Vernal Equinox) we have a snowy, wet day.  Last night, as pawns and pieces leapt to their strategic positions on the six boards of the BCC Paramount 10 2RR, snowflakes were falling. This morning I found this:
Luckily we play chess indoors.  So the Paramount, Round 4, continued, unabated.
Here we have Jonathan Mark Lee, facing off with black vs NM Eric Godin.
It is at this point that congratulations are in order. For Jonathan won the Class A Section of the Eastern Class Chammpionships 2013, played this past weekend (March 15 - 17) in Sturbridge, MA. His score was 4.5 out of 5, good for $900 and the praises of his chess colleagues. Bravo Jonathan!
Check this address for the entire cross-table of this event: 
Tom Pendergast vs Thomas Carr, Round 4 BCC Paramount
Nathan Smolensky, black vs Ed Astrachan, Round 4
Tim O'Malley, black vs Bernardo Iglesias, TD, Round 4
Ted Cross, black, vs Brian Perez-Daple, Round 4
William Wisdom vs Tony Cortizas, Round 4
Stay tuned for BCC Paramount Round 4 results!
Results from Paramount, Round 4: Astrachan 1/2 - 1/2 Smolensky; Godin 1-0 over Lee; 
Cross wins 0-1 over Perez-Daple; Carr wins 0-1 over Pendergast; O'Malley wins 1-0 over Iglesias; Cortizas wins 0-1 over Wisdom. See you next Monday for Round 5.

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