Sunday, March 24, 2013


Jenny Lu from Newton, Massachusetts, and a recent graduate of Wellesley College, sends greetings to the Greater Boston Chess Community.  Jenny is stationed in London, working in the area of neuroscience. And at my direction, she and her friends took a walk over to IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology) at 2 Savoy Place, WC2R 0BL to see what they could see, and take some photos of the FIDE Candidates Tournament, London, special for the Boylston Chess Club WebLog.
Magnus Carlsen, London 2013, Round 3.                              Photo: JennyLu
Magnus Carlsen: waiting for Destiny.           Photo: JennyLu
Boris Gelfand: pre-game sip.                                                     Photo: JennyLu
Gelfand vs Carlsen, London, Round 3.                                     Photo: JennyLu
Could this be the fateful win that brings the chess world its new champion?
Ivanchuk vs Aronian, London, Round 3.                                Photo: JennyLu
Kramnik vs Grischuk, Round 3.                      Photo: JennyLu
Svidler vs Radjabov, Round 3. Photo:                                                JennyLu
                                                                              Photo: JennyLu
FIDE Candidates Tournament, London, 2013, Round 3
Electronic Demonstration Boards
"Prescient: having or showing knowledge of events before they take place. . . "
                                                           Photo: JennyLu
Magnus Carlsen: the pressure is on.


Rihel said...

I also have attended the Candidates here in London. I will try to write a blog post about the event, where they are trying some innovative interactive ideas for the matches.

Tony Cortizas, Jr. said...

Good job, Jenny!

Jason, look forward to your 1st hand impressions.

Steve Stepak said...

The question I have is: who is going to go to India to cover the World Chess Championship for the BCC. Who is going to take the Pulitzer Prize winning photos for the BCC? Who is going to send the Greater Boston Chess Community their personal impressions of the city that used to be called Madras, now Chennai. Well we have till November to decide. Best, SteveChess

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