Sunday, April 07, 2013


NM Andrew Wang went 2-1 to finish in clear first in the Master Quad (1).
NM Eric Godin and Carey Theil were 2-3rd with 1.5 points. Brian Salomon had 1 points.
NM Andrew Wang, black vs NM Eric Godin, Round 3.
NM Eric Godin, black engages Brian Salomon in Round 2.
Brian Salomon, black vs Carey Theil (voted best hat), Round 3.
Oliver Traldi plays Jesse Nicholas in Round 2.  Jesse tied for 1-2nd in QUAD 2.
Siddharth Arun, black vs Arthur Tang (background)
Traldi, black vs Arthur Tang who went 1-2nd in QUAD 2.
This rather strange position between Traldi and Tang ended in a draw.
Tyson Slesnick, winner of QUAD 3.
Slesnick, black vs Mateos Sahakian in Round 3.
Enthrallled! Natasha Christiansen and Jerry Williams watch 
National Chess Star Carissa Yip play white vs veteran Mike Griffin, Round 3, QUAD 3.
Carissa, 8, continues to raise her rating, now at 1826, by +6 after Saturday's performance!
Rafael Witten took clear first with a perfect 3-0 score in QUAD 4.
Here he is seen playing black vs Chen Bai in Round 2.
Ed Foye, 2nd place in QUAD 4, plays white vs Rafael Witten in Round 3.
Tony DiNosse plays white vs Richard Mooney. Mooney won QUAD 5 with 2.5 points.
DeNosse vs Brandon Wu (foreground) 
Mooney, black vs Brian Hurst, Round 3. Brian, who came in clear 2nd in QUAD 5, 
came all the way from Maine to play at the Boylston Chess Club. 
Welcome Brian. Hope to see you again soon!
Lucy Cai Jiaying, here playing black vs Jingu Chong in Round 2,
scored a perfect 3-0 to take clear 1st in QUAD 6. Lucy gave her 
rating a + 34 point boost.  Brava Lucy! Chong was clear 2nd with 3 points in QUAD 6.
Michael Stevens, black plays Shoyo Shimoeda, from Tokyo, Japan, Round 2, QUAD 6.
Rafael Witten plays Chen Bai (background, left)
BCC's own best juniors: Jesse Nicholas, Arthur Tang, Lucy Cai, Carissa Yip.
Lucy and Carissa play team chess vs Jesse (skittles), between rounds of QUADS.
Skittles: Full House. Jerry Williams, Arthur Tang, Mrs. Sahakian (Mateos' mother)
Lucy Cai, Carissa Yip watch Siddarth Arun engage Mateos Sahakian in a blitz match.
Lots of fun at the BCC QUADS. Here Andy Wang plays Jesse Nicholas.
Ed Foye observes.  Surrounding: Tony DeNosse, Mike Griffin, Nathan Smolensky, TD,
Percey Yip and Mateos Sahakian (lower right).
A special robust round of applause for BCC President: Nathan Smolensky,
who gave the day off to Bernardo Iglesias, normally the tournament director.
TD Nathan made a steller performance in guiding the 6 QUADS to
to a flawless, smooth conclusion. And the skittles noise was kept to a dull roar.
See you tomorrow, Monday, for Round 7 of the PARAMOUNT. . .
Tuesday: GM Larry C Simul, Thursday, TNS and Saturday for April Grand Prix !!

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