Sunday, April 28, 2013


The wisdom of chess: it doesn't seem that youth is a factor in the winning of the TNS (Thursday Night Swiss), a 4 round affair, played on each of 4 successive Thursdays of a month. The time-control is a very comfortable 40 moves in 90 minutes and then sudden death 20 minutes, to wrap things up with no adjournments. So it is no surprise that Eric Godin clinched clear first in a field of 18 in one section with 3 wins and a draw.  Bravo Eric.
Eric Godin on the move in play with Walter Driscoll in Round 2. 
Eric scored 3.5 points for clear 1st and Driscoll scored 2.5 for 3-5th
 with Harold Dondis, and Terrence Fricker.
Daniel Schmidt, writing, scored 3 points for clear 2nd. 
Dan is seen here playing Andrew Hoy who is also writing.
And yes, Harold Dondis, Esq. has the honor of winning the U1800 prize.
Harold is the oldest living amateur chess player in the World, at 90+ and is one of the
few people in the Greater Boston Area Chess Community who can claim to have won 
a chess game off Bobby Fischer.  Bravo Harold!
See all of you thinkers and planners 
for the next installment of the TNS for May:  
May 2nd. Registration is at 6:30 to 7:00 PM.

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