Monday, May 20, 2013


A prophetic shot taken in Round 1 
of BCC Spring Championship 4SS 
pinpoints the emergent champion: NM Eric Godin (3.5 points)
Forground: Aiden Sowa, black vs NM Hal Terrie; 
background: BCC Club Champion, NM Lawyer Times
NM Godin vs FM Chase: position, (time) 5:32 vs 2:37
Oliver Traldi, BCC Winter Co-Champion, black vs FM Chris Chase, Round 1
BCC Winter Co-Champions Nithin Kavi (left, playing black) vs Oliver Traldi, Round 2.
Kavi scored 3 points and finished 2-5th with a +45 rating hike.
(background): Harold Dondis, Esq. black vs Natasha Christiansen, Esq; Dan Giaimo vs Brandon Wu
Expert Elliot Strassman (+29 rating hike) plays black vs Arthur Tang (+25 rating hike), Round 4: draw
Strassman and Tang scored 3 points, good for 2-5th place.
NM Mika Brattain, black vs FM Chris Chase, Round 3.
Chase finished with 3 points, placing 2-5th. Brattain had 2.5 points, taking clear 6th.

Joel Wald (right) plays black vs Dan Giaimo in Round 4.
Wald won the BCC U1800 Spring Championship with 3.5 points.
Giaimo scored 2.5 points and placed 2-4th.
David Martin plays black vs Eric Han in Round 2.
Martin scored 2.5 points for 2-4th place. This is Eric Han's first 
tournament at the BCC, after taking the March BCC Chess Camp. Welcome Eric!
LucyCai Jiaying plays white vs Tony DiNosse. 
(background): Brandon Wu vs Eddie Wei, Round 4
Lucy scored 2.5 points to place 2-45h with a +10 rating hike.
Tony scored 2 points to clinch clear 5th place.
Kids love games.  Rest from chess, Brandon Wu (center) shares
electronic games with Eric Han, Lucy Cai and Eddie Wei.
Endgame time! Arthur Tang, black vs Ryan Sowa: draw.
Both Ryan (1722) and his brother Aidan Sowa (1826) are talented juniors
(background, from left to right): Gupta - Williams, with TD Nathan Smolensky: 
checking 3-fold repetition. William Wisdom, Prof. Li-gen (Arthur Tang's mom)
watches Arthur. Eddie Wei's dad, Lucy Cai and Eric Han watch David Martin play Eddie Wei.
Lucy Cai's dad introduces Lucy's cousins Erin and Eric to the game of chess.
World Record (?) for 4 1/2 yr old Erin, Lucy's cousin. 8 Rooks!
Lucy Cai's little 2 yr old cousin, Ryan. A future BCC player, for sure.
There were 19 players in the Premier Section and
9 players in the U1800 Section.

Amrit Gupta: Congratulations from the BCC Community.
Amrit graduates from law school this Spring and moves to Chicago for a good first job!
Parting shot: NM Godin vs FM Chase: endgame.
TD Nathan Smolensky (sitting) Arthur Tang and Elliot Strassman observe.
Harry Lyman (framed picture, upper left) shines his good energy on the venue.
Next Saturday: the action shifts to the Massachusetts Open 
(State Championship) Check this link: MACA
Tomorrow is GM LarryC Tuesday Simul at South Station 5:00 PM
and . . . Thursday is TNS at 7:00 PM
Chess to enjoy!

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