Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Current Boylston Chess Club Champion, NM Lawyer Times
won 3 in a row plus a half point bye to score 3.5 points and 1-3rd place.
NM Chris Williams played 4 rounds scoring 3.5 points for 1-3rd place.
On the road to mastery: Jason Spector holds NM Chris Williams to draw 
in R4 of event to score 3.5 points and a share of 1-3rd points.
Expert Bennet Pellows faces off with BCC Champion Lawyer Times 
in Round 4. Bennet finished the event with 2.5 points good for  4-8th place.
Chess Expert and Harvard Law School Graduate 2013 Emmanuel Mevs
plays black vs Sandeep Shankar. Mevs notched 2.5 points and a share of 4-8th place.
Conway Xu plays black vs Oliver Traldi: draw. Xu and Traldi scored 2.5 points to claim
a share of 4-8th place. (background)  Emmanuel Mevs v Aiden Sowa (Aiden scored 2 points to claim 
1-4th U1800 prize; Larry Jin vs Walter Driscoll; Syed Al-Mamun vs Joel Wald, R4. 
(top right) Bennet Fellows plays Lawyer Times.
Applied chess: David Martin plays black vs Walter Driscoll, R3.
Driscoll scored 2.5 points and earned a piece of the 4-8th slice of the tournament ranking.
Ryan Sowa plays black vs Stephen Savage in Round 4. 
Ryan took a share of the U1800 prize: 1-4th.
Bennet Pellows plays black vs Joel Wald. Wald shared 1-4th U1800 prize.
Lucy Cai got 2 points and a share of 1-4th in the U1800 prize.
Lucy's performance  is solid. She earned +24 rating points to reach 1426.
Veteran chess player Kate Gasser plays Jason Spector in Round 2.
Intense Chess Scene: Eddie Wei plays black vs Jason Spector, Round 1.
(background) BCC President and event TD Nathan Smolensky plays white vs Stephen Savage.
Sky-View: BCC 4SS June 8th Round 1.
There were 24 players in one section in this event.
Nathan Smolensky directed.

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