Sunday, June 23, 2013

The politics is so intense because the stakes are so low

If you are a USCF member, then like me, your mailbox has probably been inundated with pieces promoting one group of USCF Board candidates or another. In fact, one piece I received suggested that even Gary Kasparov has a horse in the race. Doesn't he have something more important to do - like overthrowing Vladimir Putin?

Other than being a BCF officer and director from time to time, I've tried to stay as far away from state and national chess politics as possible. As such, I haven't the slightest idea what these folks are currently fighting about. Anyone at the club care to enlighten the membership on what's going on at USCF and how we ought to evaluate our options in this upcoming board election?


Echo Yankee Charlie said...

Do you know when we actually receive our ballots?

David Glickman said...

Ken said...

I tend to look to Bill Goichberg for guidance about candidates. He strikes me as having USCF's interests at heart, seemingly moreso than many.

Echo Yankee Charlie said...

Has anyone else not received their ballot?

Ken said...

I have not received mine yet.

David Glickman said...

Received my ballot today.

Ken said...

Got mine today as well.

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