Tuesday, July 02, 2013


The BCC Reubens/Landey Tournament kicked off Mondey evening July 1st.  This event features 2 talented players, co-champions of the Weaver Adams U1800 seeded into the R/L which serves as a qualifying tournament, with a rating range from 1800 to 2199. The winner(s) are seeded into the BCC Championship, a field of strong masters, which begins September 9th. Though the event has a vibrant group of players, TD Bernardo Iglesias hopes that more people will choose to play, beginning next Monday, July 8th. You will start Round 2 with a half-point bye for Round 1. The only added stipulation for this event is the requirement of BCC membership. But, worry not, you can enter the competition, with your rating 1800 to 2199 (USCF June Supplement) and purchase (or renew) a BCC membership at the time you enter.  So check out the photos below to see all the wonderful chess players you will meet for your adventure in the BCC Reubens/Landey.
At the master table:
Frank Wang, black, vs Terrence Fricker, Round 1.
Professor Sage plays Natasha Christiansen; (background) BCC President Nathan 
Smolensky v Jason Tang; Dan Schmidt, black vs Tim O'Malley; 
and Ted Cross vs Joel Wald.
Tim O'Malley vs Dan Schmidt, Round 1.
Ted Cross, BCC Haupturnier Champion vs Weaver Adams Co-Champion Joel Wald
Close-up: Smolensky vs Tang Round 1.
Oliver Traldi vs Jonathan Lee, on the move, Round 1.
BCC Qualifier Events' Youngest Ever:
Brandon Wu, age 9. 
Co-Champion of Weaver Adams.
Playing in the Emanuel Lasker Memorial in the Open Section
last Saturday, Brandon's rating went up to 1729. Still, with 
an odd number of participants in the Reuben/Landey,
Wu had the lowest rating, got a full-point bye,
and had to pack it up for the night and go home.  No one to play chess with.
So come on over, next Monday, July 8th for Round 2 
of Reubens /Landey, and even things out!
Check out the facts:
See you soon.

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