Sunday, July 21, 2013


Jesse Nicholas: Summer Champion
Convincingly, Jesse held his ground with 3.5 points and a
USCF Rating accomplishment of 2199! Bravo, Jesse.
Jesse Nicholas vs BCC Champion, NM Lawyer Times, R3.
Lawyer had to settle for 2-3rd place In Open Section with 3 points
sharing with Scott Didham, also with 3 points.
Seth Lieberman vs Scott Didham, Round 1.
Background: Nithin Kavi vs Mark Neale.
Conway Xu, 50 percent in event, here, black 
vs Scott Didham, Round 4.
NM Lawyer Times vs Nithin Kavi, Round 4.
Kavi held level with 2/4 in Open Section.
Battle of the Jasons: Tang vs Spector.
Spector clinched 4th place with 2.5 points.
Tang held even with 2/4.
Decisive Game: Round 4 // Rohan Shankar vs Imran Hendley.
Hendley emerged undefeated with 3.5 points to become
U1800 Summer Champion.  Rohan had 2.5 points,
good for 3-5th place.
Decisive Game: Imran Hendley vs Bret Michael Zeldow, R2: draw.
Zeldow was also undefeated with 3 points good for sole
possession of 2nd place in the U1800 Section.
Rohan Shankar black vs Ned Kerwin, Round 1.
Ned broke even with 2/4 points in the U1800 section.
(Background): Imran Hendley black, vs Jeff Weinstein.
Open Section, Round 3 : Scott Didham vs Mateos Sahakian;
Nithin Kavi vs Tom Phan (playing his first USCF tournament
game, ever. Welcome Tom to the BCC and
may you have much success and enjoyment playing
chess with us!); Conway Xu vs Mark Neale;
Upper Right: Jason Tang playing Jason Spector.
U1800 Table: Bret Zeldow black vs Ned Kerwin;
Matthew Manzo black vs Sandeep Shankar.
Matthew scored 2.5 points to share 3-5th place
with Sandeep Shankar and Stephen Savage.
(Further back): Lucy Cai black vs Jeff Weinstein.
Long View: BCC Summer Championship, Round 1.
Eddie Wei black vs Alexander Shi Jin;
Sandeep Shankar vs Larry Jin;
Stephen Savage black vs Tony DiNosse.
Matthew Manzo vs Richard Alan Chen; 
Imran Hendley black vs Jeff Weinstein
Sandeep Shankar vs Larry Jin; Bret Zeldow vs Lucy Cai;
Seth Lieberman vs Scott Didham; Nithin Kavi vs Mark Neale; 
Mateos Sahakian vs Tom Phan; Lawyer Times vs Jason Tang;
Jesse Nicholas plays Conway Xu.
There were 28 participants in this event.
Bernardo Iglesias, TD (lower left, standing) observes the final moments 
of the Round 2 game: Larry Jin vs Jeff Weinstein. (Left to Right):
David Zhu Sun, Sandeep Shankar and Lucy Cai, observe.
(Upper left, walking): Rohan Shankar; (sitting by laptop) Chaoyu Tang, Jason's dad.
Jeff Weinstein vs Lucy Cai, Round 4: draw!
Background: Sandeep Shankar vs Matthew Manzo;
Ned Kerwin vs Bret Zeldow.
Round 2, U1800 Section: Tony DiNosse, black vs Lucy Cai;
David Zhu Sun vs Alexander Shi Jin;
Jeff Weinstein plays Larry Jin.
                                                                          Photo: Bernardo Iglesias
Theoretical Battle: Steve Stepak vs David Zhu Sun.
King's Indian Defense, Saemisch Variation.
Two weeks in a row!
BCC events to be ready for:
Tomorrow, Monday, Round 4 of 5: Reubens/Landey
Wednesday: Rapids 3 Rounder; TNS and Saturday: $5/Open!

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